Leadership Assessment at Ellis Locke & Associates. We provide an array of test and interview-based assessment services that help our clients make more accurate evaluations of candidates’ intellectual, interpersonal, management and leadership capabilities. These leadership assessment services are available for various levels, including: executive assessment, management assessment, and high potential assessment.
Our leadership assessments can be used for selection or development.
This information can be used to provide insight to leaders and human resource professionals as they make key staffing decisions. As a result, our clients are able to make better hiring and promotion decisions, create more meaningful employee development plans and on-boarding processes, and more effectively manage employees with performance concerns.
We can also combine executive assessments/management assessments with 360 Degree or Multi-Rater Feedback to provide a fully rounded picture of a candidates’ performance based on feedback and observations from an individual’s boss, direct reports, colleagues, peers and clients.
The Leadership Assessment Process at Ellis Locke & Associates
As soon as we are notified that a candidate is going to go through the assessment process, a member of the Ellis Locke & Associates staff will contact the individual to provide an overview of the executive assessment process and answer any questions. An email is then sent to the candidate containing a pre-interview package and a link to complete on-line psychometric questionnaires and ability tests. The specific tests used vary with the level and complexity of the job for which the candidate is being considered. These are completed before meeting with our consultant.
Leadership Assessment Interview & Feedback
After completing the testing, candidates undergo an in-depth behavioural interview with one of our consultants. This session can take place in person or virtually. During this session, the consultant will use the results of the tests and psychometric questionnaires as the basis for further exploration of the candidate’s background, experience and work habits. Before they leave, candidates are given detailed feedback on the results of the executive assessment along with recommendations and suggested strategies for professional development. We work hard to ensure that each candidate derives as much personal benefit from the leadership assessment experience as possible.
Executive Assessment Report
The final component is a detailed written report that outlines the strengths, possible limitations and developmental needs of the candidate as these relate to the culture and values of the hiring organization and the specific demands of the position for which the candidate is being considered. Copies of this report are forwarded to both the client organization and the candidate. If time is an issue, the consultant can provide the client or decision makers with a verbal debriefing by telephone almost immediately following the leadership assessment.
[ Download a brochure describing our Executive Assessment Process ]
Leadership Assessment at Ellis Locke & Associates. We provide an array of test and interview-based assessment services that help our clients make more accurate evaluations of candidates’ intellectual, interpersonal, management and leadership capabilities. These leadership assessment services are available for various levels, including: executive assessment, management assessment, and high potential assessment.
Our leadership assessments can be used for selection or development.
This information can be used to provide insight to leaders and human resource professionals as they make key staffing decisions. As a result, our clients are able to make better hiring and promotion decisions, create more meaningful employee development plans and on-boarding processes, and more effectively manage employees with performance concerns.
We can also combine executive assessments/management assessments with 360 Degree or Multi-Rater Feedback to provide a fully rounded picture of a candidates’ performance based on feedback and observations from an individual’s boss, direct reports, colleagues, peers and clients.
The Leadership Assessment Process at Ellis Locke & Associates
As soon as we are notified that a candidate is going to go through the assessment process, a member of the Ellis Locke & Associates staff will contact the individual to provide an overview of the executive assessment process and answer any questions. An email is then sent to the candidate containing a pre-interview package and a link to complete on-line psychometric questionnaires and ability tests. The specific tests used vary with the level and complexity of the job for which the candidate is being considered. These are completed before meeting with our consultant.
Leadership Assessment Interview & Feedback
After completing the testing, candidates undergo an in-depth behavioural interview with one of our consultants. This session can take place in person or virtually. During this session, the consultant will use the results of the tests and psychometric questionnaires as the basis for further exploration of the candidate’s background, experience and work habits. Before they leave, candidates are given detailed feedback on the results of the executive assessment along with recommendations and suggested strategies for professional development. We work hard to ensure that each candidate derives as much personal benefit from the leadership assessment experience as possible.
Executive Assessment Report
The final component is a detailed written report that outlines the strengths, possible limitations and developmental needs of the candidate as these relate to the culture and values of the hiring organization and the specific demands of the position for which the candidate is being considered. Copies of this report are forwarded to both the client organization and the candidate. If time is an issue, the consultant can provide the client or decision makers with a verbal debriefing by telephone almost immediately following the leadership assessment.
[ Download a brochure describing our Executive Assessment Process ]